合資会社ドゥザドゥ(Deux à Deux LPC.)は、“アート”と“ビジネス”の両面で活動しています。
Deux à Deux LPC. is a limited liability company that is active in both “Art” and “Business”.
We want to bring the power of “Art”, which is necessary for coexistence and co-prosperity across borders and fields, to the field of “Business”. In the creative fields of music, video, stage, advertising, and architectural design, we provide content production services such as scripts, scenarios, background music and videos, music videos, and design services.
We want to be a “Creator” and not a “Subcontractor.
We have always wanted to be professional music, video and design creators, also journalists and consultants.
Each member of our team works with the mindset and passion of “wanting to communicate,” “wanting to create,” and “wanting people to notice,” and we aim to match the needs of the “creator” with the needs of the “receiver. We aim to match the needs of the “creator” with the needs of the “receiver,” and make proposals to the client. Our policy is “cooperation and resonance,” and if both parties agree, we produce and deliver the product.
Originally, when I was a student, I devoted myself to music by releasing several singles from a record company, and then went to work for an airline company. In November 2005, I decided to take over my father’s real estate and construction company and started my own consulting company.
□都市再生と資産有効活用・エスクローの「株式会社レサンサジェス」 Urban Renewal, Asset Utilization, and Escrow : Les Cinq Sagesses Ltd.
■建築設計デザインと広告コンテンツ制作、ビジネスコンサルティングの「合資会社ドゥザドゥ」 Architectural design, advertising contents production, and business consulting:Deux à Deux LPC.
しかし、2011年3月11日の東北大震災を契機に、私自身1964年6月16日の新潟地震のM7.5の被災体験から、ボランティアとして現地に入り炊き出しをし、今は復興支援活動をする時と事業をリセット。3月20日に渡米し、国境を越えた人道支援をと、靴の通販ベンチャー企業「ザッポス」 www.zappos.com トニーCEO(Tony Hsieh, 両親台湾人の米国生, 1973-2020)と協議を重ね、
◇文化・人道支援の「デリバーワウ合同会社」(Deliver WOW LLC.)
On March 20, 2011, I went to the U.S. to discuss with Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos, a mail-order shoe company, to provide humanitarian aid beyond national borders. On March 20, she traveled to the U.S. to consult with Tony Hsieh (born in the U.S. to Taiwanese parents, 1973-2020), CEO of Zappos, a shoe shopping venture, to provide humanitarian aid across borders.
In addition to the above, we have also established an overseas corporation called Deliver WOW LLC. in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
◆アーティストプロデュースの「モンドミュージック合同会社」(MONDE MUSIQUE LLC.)
In preparation for the London 2012 Olympic Games, the following year, Monde Music LLC.
The following year, in preparation for the London Olympics, she established MONDE MUSIQUE LLC. to produce artists to produce artists for the following year’s London Olympics, and debuted the three-woman unit “Sakura Girls” and the duo unit “Genio” to introduce Japanese culture.
♡プロジェクト資金調達の「イマジンファウンデーション」(IMAGINE FOUNDTION)
Imagine Foundation” (IMAGINE FOUNDATION), a hands-on project fundraiser
was established in 2018, completing a single circle of comprehensive group “Sagesses” (Sagesses in French = wisdom).
”Deux à Deux”の目指すもの
The goal of “Deux à Deux”
世界的な新型コロナを経て、世界をアートとビジネスの力で再生すること。私たちは、音楽制作の「モンドミュージック」、都市再生の「レサンサジェス」、人道支援の「イマジンファウンデーション」と4つの会社で、”クリーム・オブ・ザ・クロップ(Cream Of The Crop=最上の作品)”のコンシェルジェを目標に、”共存共栄”の精神で、クオリティの高いビジネスと作品制作を実現していきます。
To revitalize the world with the power of art and business through the new Corona Virus. Our four companies, Monde Musique LLC.(music production), Les Cinq Sagesses Ltd.(urban renewal), and Imagine Foundation (humanitarian aid), are working together to produce high quality works of art in the spirit of “coexistence and co-prosperity” with the goal of becoming concierges of “Cream Of The Crop”.
From trading masks and gloves to combat new corona infections, to creative works, events, advertisements, and consulting for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the 2025 Osaka Expo, we will work to energize Japan and spread the “Circle of Peace” to the world. to the world.
”Love & Peace” に満ちた世界に変えていける
What one person can’t do, two people can.
We can create a chain of events that will bring us closer together.
I believe we can create a big movement to change the world into one filled with “Love & Peace”.
I believe that we can create a big movement.
With a mission nurtured from a chance encounter with John Lennon of the Beatles and Tony Hsieh of Zappos…
December 8, 2020.
(On the 40th anniversary of John Lennon’s death)
代表 大場佳文
アーティストネーム 縄文土
Deux à DeuxLPC.
Representative Yoshifumi Oba
Artist Name: Gens Mondo